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Russian TOS 1A Thermobaric MLRS

The TOS-1A is the latest version of the original TOS-1 heavy flamethrower system. It was adopted by the Russian Army in 2001. The TOS-1A was used by the Russian Army in Chechnya. This heavy flamethrower system has been exported to Azerbaijan (18), Iraq (4) and Kazakhstan (3). Iraqi systems have seen combat during the fights with Islamic State fighters. It seems that the TOS-1A has also been exported to Syria, where it has seen combat during the Syrian Civil War.


Iraqi TOS-1A MLRS (Thermobaric) in action against ISIS

The TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system is intended for direct fire support of advancing infantry and main battle tanks, and moves in their combat orders. It is designed to engage military personnel, fortifications and light armored vehicles. The heavy flamethrower system is generally similar to multiple launch rocket systems, however it fires different types of rockets and has a shorter firing range.

Combat vehicle BM-1 / Vitaly V. Kuzmin

The main element of the TOS-1A system is the BM-1 launch vehicle. A number of launching tubes was reduced from 30 to 24, arranged in three rows of eight tubes each. New launching tubes are longer in comparison with the previous heavy flamethrower system.

There are at least two types of 220-mm rockets. These are 3.3 and 3.7 m long and weight 173 and 217 kg respectively. The TOS-1A uses longer rockets and has a longer range than its predecessor. Maximum range of fire was increased to 6 000 m. Minimum range is 400 m.

MO.101.04, MO.1.01.04M rocket


Caliber, mm 220

guide tubes, pieces

length of the guide tube, mm 3725
Range of fire:
– Minimum
– Maximum 6000
400 – 600
Lesion area open and located in open trenches manpower when firing at maximum range, m2 Prior


TZM-T reloading vehicle technical data

Vitaly V. Kuzmin

There are at least two types of warheads – incendiary and thermobaric. The thermobaric weapons are also called vacuum or fuel-air explosives. This type of munitions releases a large cloud of flammable gas and causes massive explosions. It is used to clear out bunkers and other fortifications. The TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system launches a single rocket, or a pair of two rockets within 0.5 s. Full salvo duration is 12 and 6 seconds in automatic mode respectively.

Combat vehicle BM-1 /  Vitaly V. Kuzmin

 The BM-1 launching vehicle has a crew of three, including commander, gunner and driver. It is fitted with a modern fire control system. All guidance and firing procedures are made from the inside of the vehicle, without exposing crew to enemy fire. The launcher vehicle is prepared for firing at a visible target within 90 seconds.

TOS-1A BM-1 Soltsepek heavy flamethrower armoured vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology

For self-digging, a bulldozer blade is mounted at the front of the vehicle. It allows to significantly shortening the time period equipping of the individual trench. This system is operated by the driver from inside the vehicle. To ensure insure fire accuracy the TOS-1A is equipped with two outriggers and hydraulic locks mounted at the rear of the chassis.

TOS-1A BM-1 Soltsepek heavy flamethrower armoured vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology

The fire control system is designed for target searching, measuring of the target range, measuring of inclination, launchers different from horizon, angle detection of the target position, estimation of the super-elevation angles of the rocking unit and side rotation of the launcher considering range, air temperatures, charge, air pressure, speed and direction of the wind at the active and passive areas of missile flight trajectory.

Modernization of heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A-based products ABAC-KTNTS (Engineering note)

At present JSC “Design Bureau of Transport Machinery” (Omsk) is a pioneer in the development of heavy flamethrower system (TOS) TOS-1A, “sun”, which is designed to provide fire support to infantry and tanks, the defeat of the enemy, open and covered fire positions in a variety of offensive and defensive combat, as well as the decommissioning of light armored vehicles and vehicles. The system includes a fighting machine BM-1. “sunshine” capable of hitting enemy targets at ranges from 3.6 to 6 kilometers (depending the type of missile).

Figure 1 — Option placing the article on the ABAC-KTNTS BM TOS-1A (object 634B).

Fighting vehicle BM-1 is a multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) on tank chassis of T-72A. Fighting machine (BM) is used to place Nursi and start at designated targets.

BM-1 is equipped with a rotating platform with a swinging part in the form of a package of 24 tube guides for missiles with power servo drives and fire control system, placed on the chassis of a main battle tank T-72A. Guidance swinging of PU on the target in the horizontal and vertical planes produced power servo drives with a laser rangefinder and ballistic computer. The most important condition for maintaining the combat readiness of TOS-1A and ensure the effective management of its fire is the exact orientation of PU and Surveying binding.

The fire control system TOS-1A includes an optical sight, laser range finder periscope 1D14, tilt sensor, trim PB2.329.04 (electrical, Pendulum) and specialized electronic digital computer system with sensor equipment MO. A laser range finder distance to the target are determined with an accuracy of up to 10 m The data is automatically entered into the ballistic computer calculates the required elevation launcher. The angle of heel and trim package guides captured automatically and takes into account the calculator. TOS-1A incorporates the device orientation — giropolukompas HPA-59.

Figure 2 — The placement ISS products ABAC-KTNTS on BM TOS-1A

“NPO” Progress “offers a comprehensive solution to upgrade TOS-1A, and the use of the product ABAC-KTNTS comprising: a laser designator c to measure the distance to the target, up to 1.5 meters, forced a precision inertial measurement unit, which serves as high-precision topographic location with an accuracy of 0.7 PDE, gyrocompass and girokursoukazaetlya, navigation [1].

Product ABAC-KTNTS turns TOS-1A as an independent reconnaissance and strike complex. It should be noted that the adopted today in service of the Ministry of Defense of Russian mobile navigation systems and geodetic topoprivyazchiki have the precision parameters of PDE 2

The technical proposal relates to the fire control system, including the gyrocompass girokursoukazatelyam, orientation and stabilization systems PU.

The essence of the technical proposal is shown in Figures 1 and 2. The composition of the BM TOS-1A (object 634B) product introduced ABAC-KTNTS. To improve the accuracy and launch NURS TPU BM placed on inertial measurement unit (Figure 2), which also serves as for precision measurements BM azimuth, pitch and roll, and perform the function gyro, girokursoukazaetlya and navigator in the nomination of BM to the start position (SP).

Technical Proposal for placement on the ISS TPU BM-1 TOS-1A refers to methods for controlling vibrations of aiming launcher MLRS combat vehicles. The proposed technical solution, the measurement of the amplitude and frequency of vibration of aiming the weapon is carried out using high-precision built-in accelerometer inertial measurement unit (IMU) articles of ABAC-KTNTS. The measurement results are processed in the integrated unit TSBUN central computer in real time. Information about deviations of aiming device used for control intervals between shots, and the tension of the cable, or spring-torsional vibration isolators to change their stiffness in accordance with the specified characteristics of aiming in amplitude and frequency of oscillations as in the preparation of the shooting, and in managing the fluctuations in the process of aiming a volley MLRS. Technical Proposal “RPA” PROGRESS “automates the process of measuring and recording vibrations of aiming in real time.

Improving performance characteristics of TOS-1A is also due to improved fire control system. In fire-control system introduced inertial measurement unit that is connected to the central control unit and navigation, Doppler speed sensors, and optical sight used as a laser designator.

It should be noted that the ISS can be used to determine the gyro horizon, which is designed to measure the angles of the BM in the automated systems of stabilization funds and arms control volley fire. The technical result — increasing the efficiency of missile systems by eliminating the dynamic error gyrovertical during firing. In the conduct of shooting switching devices turn off the system and horizontal correction gyrovertical converted into the free gyro mode. To do this, O horizon sensors are connected to the input of the amplifier through a horizontal correction switching devices whose inputs are connected to the output of the control device, and its entrance — to the output of the driver.

Product ABAC-KTNTS provide strategic autonomy war machine (BM), BM increase vitality and reduce training time volley with an arbitrary starting position by an autonomous topogeodesic binding and orientation of MB standalone installation estimates of fire and flight plan data (EDM and DPZ), the coordinates of aiming points , bespritselnogo guidance package guides.

The system of independent orientation, according to the technical proposal “NPO Progress” is the initial azimuth and navigation equipment, built-in central control and navigation (TSBUN) — initial fighting machine TOS-1A. After which the navigation system TSBUN continuously determines the location and orientation of the BM, the system displayed on the electronic navigation map displayed on the color display of the display device. After receiving the targeting of the laser pointer, a block of reception and transmission of data, the system also displays the range to the target and the direction of the race at the starting position (SP). At the starting position inertial navigation unit product ABAC-KTNTS defines specified angles pointing to the current position of MB. The system continuously determines the error of their angles with the current guidance. Drive guidance on these disagreements exercise guidance package guides. After a volley of BM can make protivoognevoy maneuver and change the joint venture. Preparation of a new salvo is the same way.

Figure 3 — Parts ABAC-KTNTS

The laser pointer is used to measure distance to an object in a single measurement. The principle of operation of a laser range finder based on irradiation of the object stack of laser pulses and simultaneous accumulation of echoes, reflecting? Nnyh from the object. The number of laser pulses emitted in the stack and, consequently, accumulated echoes adaptively selected from 1 to 1024, depending on the reflectivity of the object, its size, weather conditions and distance to the object. Laser pulse repetition frequency of 5 kHz. Laser pointer has built a television camera, the lens of which is shared with at? Mnym channel rangefinder. Displayed on the display device in the form of a cross mark and the distance to the object. Image of the object and the underlying surface on the display items improved by image processing procedures.

Incorporated in the product ABAC-KTNTS technical solutions and software will greatly expand the functionality of the fire control system, stabilization, orientation and navigation TOS-1A, improve positioning accuracy for combat positions and reduce the available time for work that enhances the survivability BM TOS-1A . Translated by google – Source

BM-1 combat vehicle of TOS-1A / Vitaly V. Kuzmin

The TOS-1A launcher is mounted on a modified T-72A main battle tank chassis. Vehicle is powered by a V-84MS diesel engine, developing 840 hp. It is fitted with a self-entrenching blade. Armor protection of this system is similar to that of the T-72A MBT.

TOS-2 Tosochka Flamethrower Rocket Launcher

Vitaly Kuzmin

The TOS-2 is based on a Ural-63704-0010 military truck chassis. It has 18 launch tubes for 220 mm rockets. This rocket system is used to clear out buildings, bunkers and field fortifications using its thermobaric rockets.

The TOS-2 uses the same rockets as the previous systems. There are at least two types of 220 mm rockets. These are 3.3 and 3.7 m long and weight 173 and 217 kg respectively. Both of these rockets use the same 45 kg warhead. Maximum range of fire is around 6 km. Minimum range is around 400 m.

There are at least two types of warheads including incendiary and thermobaric. The thermobaric weapons are also called vacuum or fuel-air explosive weapon. This type of munitions releases a large cloud of flammable gas and causes massive explosions.

The cab is armored and provides protection for the crew against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters. However the TOS-2 can not match the previous TOS-1 and TOS-1A systems in terms of armor protection. The previous systems were based on a tank chassis and offered similar level of protection as main battle tanks. However the TOS-2 is more mobile and can rapidly self-deploy on roads over long distances.

The launcher vehicle can stop and fire at a visible target within 90 seconds from traveling.

This artillery system is fitted with battlefield management system.

Vehicle has extended cab which accommodates the entire crew of around 5. All guidance and firing procedures are made from inside of the truck, without exposing the crew to enemy fire.

Vehicle is powered by a YaMZ-652 diesel engine, developing 440 hp. This vehicle can self-deploy on roads over long distances. The previous TOS-1 and TOS-1A systems required a tractor truck with a semi-trailer in order to relocate over significant distances. Though the TOS-2 looses to tracked systems in terms of off-road mobility.

Vitaly Kuzmin

The TOS-2 is fitted with hydraulic crane, which is used to reload rockets. This system can pick and load rockets from the ground, or from escorting resupply truck. Hence there is no need for a dedicated reloading vehicle. This also reduces procurement and operating costs. Source

V-84MS diesel engine

Property Value
Engine power output (h.p.)
Rated speed (r.p.m.)
Fuel consuption (g/h.p.h)
Length (mm)
Height (mm)
Width (mm)
Weight (kg)


TZM-T reloading vehicle  This heavy flamethrower is supported by a new TZM-T reloading vehicle, which is used to transport and reload rockets. It carries a full set of reload rockets in two pods for 12 rockets each. A crane is mounted between these units. Reloading vehicle also carries 400 liters of fuel for the BM-1 launch vehicle. The TZM-T is operated by a crew of three.

Transport-loading vehicle TZM-T / Vitaly V. Kuzmin

Freight loader TZM-T
Weight TLV-T kit Nursi, t 39
Average ground pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) 0,079 (0,79)
main dimensions:
– Length
– Width on removable flaps
– Height
– On the main bottom clearance
speed (maximum on the highway), km / h 60
Cruising range, km 550

vozimykh for MB-1 ammunition, items

Ammunition supply of fuel for the BM-1, n 400
– Maximum lift, hail,
– The maximum angle of heel deg.
– Width of the trench, m
– Wall height, m
– The depth of the ford, m

TZM-T reloading vehicle technical data

Also recently appeared a reloading vehicle, based on KamAZ-6350 8×8 truck. It also carries two pods of reload rockets with a crane mounted in between.

Entered service 2001
Crew 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 44.3 t
Length 7.24 m
Width 3.58 m
Height 3.07 m
Caliber 220-mm
Number of tubes 24
Rocket weight 173 or 217 kg
Warhead weight 45 kg
Firing range 0.4 – 6 km
Full salvo duration 6 / 12 s
Reloading time ?
Engine V-84MS diesel
Engine power 840 hp
Maximum road speed 60 km/h
Range 550 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 40%
Vertical step 0.85 m
Trench 2.6 – 2.8 m
Fording 1.2 m


Images are from pubic domain unless otherwise stated

Main image Vladimir Astapkovich

Updated May 29, 2022


Fighting vehicle BM-1 is a multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) on tank chassis of T-72A. Fighting machine (BM) is used to place Nursi and start at designated targets.

BM-1 is equipped with a rotating platform with a swinging part in the form of a package of 24 tube guides for missiles with power servo drives and fire control system, placed on the chassis of a main battle tank T-72A. Guidance swinging of PU on the target in the horizontal and vertical planes produced power servo drives with a laser rangefinder and ballistic computer. The most important condition for maintaining the combat readiness of TOS-1A and ensure the effective management of its fire is the exact orientation of PU and Surveying binding.

The fire control system TOS-1A includes an optical sight, laser range finder periscope 1D14, tilt sensor, trim PB2.329.04 (electrical, Pendulum) and specialized electronic digital computer system with sensor equipment MO. A laser range finder distance to the target are determined with an accuracy of up to 10 m The data is automatically entered into the ballistic computer calculates the required elevation launcher. The angle of heel and trim package guides captured automatically and takes into account the calculator. TOS-1A incorporates the device orientation — giropolukompas HPA-59.

Figure 2 — The placement ISS products ABAC-KTNTS on BM TOS-1A

“NPO” Progress “offers a comprehensive solution to upgrade TOS-1A, and the use of the product ABAC-KTNTS comprising: a laser designator c to measure the distance to the target, up to 1.5 meters, forced a precision inertial measurement unit, which serves as high-precision topographic location with an accuracy of 0.7 PDE, gyrocompass and girokursoukazaetlya, navigation [1].

Product ABAC-KTNTS turns TOS-1A as an independent reconnaissance and strike complex. It should be noted that the adopted today in service of the Ministry of Defense of Russian mobile navigation systems and geodetic topoprivyazchiki have the precision parameters of PDE 2

The technical proposal relates to the fire control system, including the gyrocompass girokursoukazatelyam, orientation and stabilization systems PU.

The essence of the technical proposal is shown in Figures 1 and 2. The composition of the BM TOS-1A (object 634B) product introduced ABAC-KTNTS. To improve the accuracy and launch NURS TPU BM placed on inertial measurement unit (Figure 2), which also serves as for precision measurements BM azimuth, pitch and roll, and perform the function gyro, girokursoukazaetlya and navigator in the nomination of BM to the start position (SP).

Technical Proposal for placement on the ISS TPU BM-1 TOS-1A refers to methods for controlling vibrations of aiming launcher MLRS combat vehicles. The proposed technical solution, the measurement of the amplitude and frequency of vibration of aiming the weapon is carried out using high-precision built-in accelerometer inertial measurement unit (IMU) articles of ABAC-KTNTS. The measurement results are processed in the integrated unit TSBUN central computer in real time. Information about deviations of aiming device used for control intervals between shots, and the tension of the cable, or spring-torsional vibration isolators to change their stiffness in accordance with the specified characteristics of aiming in amplitude and frequency of oscillations as in the preparation of the shooting, and in managing the fluctuations in the process of aiming a volley MLRS. Technical Proposal “RPA” PROGRESS “automates the process of measuring and recording vibrations of aiming in real time.

Improving performance characteristics of TOS-1A is also due to improved fire control system. In fire-control system introduced inertial measurement unit that is connected to the central control unit and navigation, Doppler speed sensors, and optical sight used as a laser designator.

It should be noted that the ISS can be used to determine the gyro horizon, which is designed to measure the angles of the BM in the automated systems of stabilization funds and arms control volley fire. The technical result — increasing the efficiency of missile systems by eliminating the dynamic error gyrovertical during firing. In the conduct of shooting switching devices turn off the system and horizontal correction gyrovertical converted into the free gyro mode. To do this, O horizon sensors are connected to the input of the amplifier through a horizontal correction switching devices whose inputs are connected to the output of the control device, and its entrance — to the output of the driver.

Product ABAC-KTNTS provide strategic autonomy war machine (BM), BM increase vitality and reduce training time volley with an arbitrary starting position by an autonomous topogeodesic binding and orientation of MB standalone installation estimates of fire and flight plan data (EDM and DPZ), the coordinates of aiming points , bespritselnogo guidance package guides.

The system of independent orientation, according to the technical proposal “NPO Progress” is the initial azimuth and navigation equipment, built-in central control and navigation (TSBUN) — initial fighting machine TOS-1A. After which the navigation system TSBUN continuously determines the location and orientation of the BM, the system displayed on the electronic navigation map displayed on the color display of the display device. After receiving the targeting of the laser pointer, a block of reception and transmission of data, the system also displays the range to the target and the direction of the race at the starting position (SP). At the starting position inertial navigation unit product ABAC-KTNTS defines specified angles pointing to the current position of MB. The system continuously determines the error of their angles with the current guidance. Drive guidance on these disagreements exercise guidance package guides. After a volley of BM can make protivoognevoy maneuver and change the joint venture. Preparation of a new salvo is the same way.

Figure 3 — Parts ABAC-KTNTS

The laser pointer is used to measure distance to an object in a single measurement. The principle of operation of a laser range finder based on irradiati
on of the object stack of laser pulses and simultaneous accumulation of echoes, reflecting? Nnyh from the object. The number of laser pulses emitted in the stack and, consequently, accumulated echoes adaptively selected from 1 to 1024, depending on the reflectivity of the object, its size, weather conditions and distance to the object. Laser pulse repetition frequency of 5 kHz. Laser pointer has built a television camera, the lens of which is shared with at? Mnym channel rangefinder. Displayed on the display device in the form of a cross mark and the distance to the object. Image of the object and the underlying surface on the display items improved by image processing procedures.

Incorporated in the product ABAC-KTNTS technical solutions and software will greatly expand the functionality of the fire control system, stabilization, orientation and navigation TOS-1A, improve positioning accuracy for combat positions and reduce the available time for work that enhances the survivability BM TOS-1A .

China YJ-26 radar able to detect U.S. F-22 stealth fighter

China military able to detect U.S. F-22 stealth fighter jets, military expert says

February 18, 2016

The Chinese military is able to detect U.S. F-22 stealth fighter jets, according to a Chinese military expert in an interview for a CCTV program.

Several fighters from East China Sea Fleet patrolled around the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea after receiving orders that unidentified tracking occurred near the ADIZ on the morning of Feb. 10, according to a report on PLA Daily on Feb. 11.

The report said that helicopters from a carrier-based helicopter brigade along with the carrier patrolled around the area and missiles were set on fighters on duty at nearby military airports which were prepared to take off for combat. However the report did notdisclose which country the objects belong to or other relevant information.

Some Western media guessed that the unidentified objects might be the U.S. F-22 stealth fighter jets. Chinese military expert Yin Zhuo told Asia Today that if the unidentified objects appearing near ADIZ over the East China Sea turned out to be F-22 from the U.S.,it would be a good opportunity for China’s military to practice its ability to find, identify and intercept stealth fighters.

Does China’s military have the ability to find and identify stealth fighters? Military experts said that new type of Chinese Phased Array Radar is able to fulfill this task. Yin also said that F-22 is not totally stealth and meter-wave radar could detect the fighter. Radars arranged towards the East China Sea are able to find the F-22 stealth fighter jets, according to Yin. Besides, airborne early warning and control aircraft like KJ-2000 and KJ-500 are also equipped with the ability to detect stealth fighter jets.

Original Article: HERE


The Chinese have developed many types of systems to monitor stealth their AWACs are tuned for stealth detection.

See Details of KJ2000 AWACs

See Details Anti-stealth UAV

Russia to send S-300 air defense system to Iran

According to Iran Front Page

Russian will hand over the first batch of S-300 air defense system to Iran on Thursday, February 18.

According to the Sputnik News Agency, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan will participate in a ceremony dedicated to the first delivery of the Russian S-300 air defense system to Iran via the Caspian Sea on February 18, a source told Sputnik Persian on Wednesday.

Dehghan is currently in Russia and will travel to Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea for the closed ceremony.

“Hossein Dehghan will participate in the ceremony of delivering the S-300 in Astrakhan on Thursday,” the source said.

In 2007, Moscow and Tehran signed an $800-million deal for the delivery of five S-300 missile systems to Iran. In 2010, Russia suspended the contract, citing a UN Security Council resolution that placed an arms embargo on Tehran until it proved the peaceful nature of its nuclear project.

Tehran filed a lawsuit against Moscow over the incident.

In April, Moscow repealed the S-300 delivery ban, after Iran and six global powers, including Russia, reached a framework nuclear agreement to remove the anti-Tehran sanctions in exchange for guarantees of the peaceful nature of its nuclear activities.

See Original Article: HERE


See Post S-300 Game Changer for Iran

Dillon M134D Gatling Gun

The Dillon M134D Gatling Gun is the finest small caliber, defense suppression weapon available. It is a six barreled, electrically driven machine gun chambered in 7.62mm NATO and fires at a fixed rate of 3,000 shots per minute. Gatling Guns typically feed from a 3,000 or 4,000 round magazine. They are capable of long periods of continuous fire without threat or damage to the weapon making them an excellent choice for defensive suppression.

Dillon Guns are reliable. The M134D has system life in excess of 1,500,000 rounds and an average time between stoppage greater than 30,000 rounds. In the unlikely event of a stoppage the weapon can be serviced and made operational again in under one minute. The multi barrel design means that each barrel only experiences a 500 round per minute rate of fire. This allows for repeated long bursts of fire and a barrel group life of 200,000 rounds. Source:

Main image

Updated Jan 31, 2021

Saab BAMSE Ground-Based Air Defence (GBAD) missile system – Sweden

The BAMSE system is one of few systems in the world today that is developed and optimised as a de­dicated Ground-Based Air Defence (GBAD) missile system.

BAMSE is designed for flexible usage both for stand-alone operation as well as in networks with other sensors and weapon systems. The philosophy is to optimise system effect by having a number of fully co-ordinated firing units that together create a ground coverage for the system of more than 2,100 km2  and an effective altitude coverage of 15,000 m.

The BAMSE system has excellent built-in ECCM capabilities both in the GIRAFFE AMB surveillance radar and the unique monopulse Fire Control Radar (FCR) Automatic Command to Line Of Sight (ACLOS) missile guidance function.

 The Saab BAMSE SR-SAM On Ashok Leyland Truck

Unique coverage

Long-range/high-altitude surveillance is no match for Bamse, which provides a large protected volume to high altitude

bamse map-728226


The all-target, all-weather Bamse system is designed to counter modern threats, which besides bombers and fighter-bombers, also includes stand-off weapons, UAVs and other small targets that will constitute ever greater threats in the future. The Bamse system combines modern advanced technology and the company’s more than 50 years’ experience in air-defence systems, missiles and radars, into a powerful and cost-effective air-defence system.

Unique capabilities

  • 24-hour, all-weather capability in ECM environment
  • Long-range/high-altitude surveillance
  • Large protected volume to high altitude
  • Accurate 3D target designation from radar
  • Optimised C4I Network function

Fast and lethal

  • Very short reaction and engagement times
  • All missiles reloaded in less than 5 min (1 missile reloaded in 1 min)
  • High detection and kill probability against targets ranging from large transport aircraft, fighter-bombers and UAVs to air-to-ground missiles and stealth-type targets (low radar signature)
  • High capability against multiple attacks
  • High level of tactical and strategic mobility

Efficient support and operation

  • Embedded simulators for easy handling and training
  • Operation with a minimum of qualified personnel
  • Minimised logistical support
  • Long serviceable life with low life-cycle cost, with a missile life exceeding 30 years
  • High redundancy



Giraffe AMB studio

Frequency 5.4 – 5.9 GHz, C-band
Instrumented ranges 120 km
Full elevation coverage >70º
Altitude coverage 20,000 m (>60 kft)
Antenna 3D phased array, digital beam forming, IFF Integrated back-to-back

Bamse Fire-Control Radar (FCR)

FCR frequency 34 – 35 GHz, Ka-band
Radar type Pulse-doppler monopulse
Pulse-doppler monopulse <100 W
Antenna lobe (circular beam width) <1° lobe
Function Target and missile tracking
FCR instrumented range 30 km

Bamse Missile

Range Out to 20 km
Effective altitude coverage 15,000 m
Guidance Automatic Command to Line of Sight (ACLOS)
Missile commands Transmitted by FCR
Warhead Fragmentation and shaped charge
Fuze Proximity and impact fuze
Target types Fighters, bombers and transport aircraft combat and transport helicopters, stand-off weapons and guided bombs
Ready-to-fire missiles on MCC Six missiles


The BAMSE system is a state of the art system with several unique capabilities. The BAMSE system has extensive Built in Test Equipment (BITE), which minimises the need for special test equipment. The BAMSE system is also developed to have high redundancy where every single missile launcher has the capability to combat targets without any connection to an external information source or higher command.

The BAMSE system has unique high altitude coverage and is effective with maintained high missile manoeuvrability at 15,000 m altitude. Every single missile launcher has C2 capabilities.

The BAMSE system has the possibility to have integrated IFF on every missile launcher in order to further strengthen the possibility to act as autonomous units, if necessary.

The system has been specially developed to combat small and fast targets as well as low flying cruise missiles and UAVs.



N. Korea launches new ICBM unit: sources

According to Yonhap News Agency

SEOUL, Feb. 14 (Yonhap) — North Korea has formed a new military unit to deploy a road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), multiple South Korean government sources said Sunday.

They said the KN-08 Brigade, designated after the ICBM of the same name, is a subordinate unit of the Strategic Forces, which oversees all missile units in the North. Sources said it indicates North Korea has inched closer to fielding the road-mobile ICBM.

Last week, U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said North Korea “has already taken initial steps toward fielding this (KN-08) system, although the system has not been flight-tested.” Clapper also said Pyongyang was committed to developing “a long-range, nuclear-armed missile that is capable of posing a direct threat” to the United States.

The KN-08 was first unveiled in a military parade in April 2012 celebrating the 100th birthday of Kim Il-sung, the North’s founder.

Strategic Forces now commands four strategic and tactical missile units. With North Korea apparently bolstering its missile programs, the commander of the Strategic Forces, Kim Rak-kyom, was promoted to the rank of four-star general late last year.

The KN-08 is believed to have a range of at least 10,000 kilometers. In its annual report to Congress, the Pentagon said Friday if the KN-08 is properly designed and developed, it could be difficult to track because of its mobility.

Elsewhere in its arsenal, North Korea is said to have produced more than 300 Nodong Missiles with a range of 1,200 kilometers, and about 30 Musudan missiles that can travel some 3,000 km. They are said to be capable of reaching the U.S. military bases in Japan and in the Pacific island of Guam, a U.S. territory.

Read Original Article: HERE


KN-08 mobile ICBM unit


Baby Come Back: Iraq is Buying, Fielding Russian Weapons Again

Last updated: Tuesday Feb 16, 2016 – 00:20 UTC (about 1 hour ago)

The delivery of 24 Pantsir-S1 air defense systems and missiles to Iraq from Russia has been completed. The systems were part of a wider defense package estimated to have been worth $4.2 billion with between 42-50 of the units on order. It remains unclear whether more will be delivered in future as part of the same or future deals, after Russian officials and businessmen met with top Iraqi officials last week in Baghdad to discuss oil, gas, and defense cooperation. The previous sale was met with some controversy as former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki almost cancelled the deal over allegations of corruption.


Pantsir-S1-S2 air defense systems: Details

Oerlikon Skyshield High Energy Laser Can Shoot Down Missiles and Planes in Seconds

According to Tech Blog 02/11/2016

Oerlikon Skyshield High Energy Laser Can Shoot Down Missiles and Planes in Seconds, Looks Like a Bazooka

Skyshield Laser

Rheinmetall Defense’s Oerlikon Skyshield consists of one 10 kW fiber high-energy laser and a beam-forming unit. Commercial off-the-shelf fiber lasers were modified for an air defense role. The beam-forming unit provides diffraction-limited beam focusing, target imaging and fine tracking of the target. By utilizing this beam-superimposing technology, the company has managed to concentrate the power of single laser beams into one small spot, enabling not only superimposition of multiple laser beams on a single gun platform, but also superimposition of multiple gun platforms, for almost unlimited (e.g. 100 kW and more) power output.

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Oerlikon high-energy laser gun

Rheinmetall “HEL-lights” a fully integrated air defence high-energy laser weapon system.

Rheinmetall air defence solutions showcased at IDEX 2015 in Abu Dhabi The Oerlikon High Energy Laser (HEL) Gun showcased by Reinmetall at IDEX 2015

Oerlikon high-energy laser gun

The HEL effector is just one part of a ground-based laser weapon system. This versatile air defence system consists of an Oerlikon Skyguard 3 fire control unit for target acquisition and weapon control and an Oerlikon high energy laser gun using a revolver gun turret equipped with laser weapon modules. Each module consists of one 10 kW fibre laser and a beam-forming unit. Commercial off the shelf fibre lasers were modified for air defence applications. The beam-forming unit provides diffraction-limited beam focusing, target imaging and fine tracking of the target.

By using beam superimposing technology, Rheinmetall has combined the power of single lasers into one multiplied laser beam. This technology not only allows superimposition of multiple lasers on a single gun platform, but also superimposition of multiple gun platforms. This enables an almost unlimited (e.g. 100kW and more) power output in line with the evolving air defence requirement. As a result the high-energy laser gun provides efficient protection against a large spectrum of modern air threats.

A major advantage of HEL effectors is their outstanding flexibility with regard to escalation and de-escalation. The output power of the high-energy laser gun is eminently scalable. When fired at the optics of aircraft, UAVs, weapons or energy sources, for example, the HEL effector is able to neutralize entire weapon systems without destroying them.

In multiple tests at the Group’s proving ground, the generic laser weapon demonstrator proved highly effective against UAVs and rocket, artillery and mortar (RAM) targets in static and dynamic scenarios. The HEL effector is controlled by the Skyguard 3 Fire Control Unit, which also controls a revolver gun and an ASRAD 1 missile launcher. Rheinmetall’s widely fielded fire control systems can thus manage the full panoply of current and future effectors. Source

YFC-1E multi-purpose stealth single engine twin vertical tails “Fierce Dragon” fighter

According to

Recently, according to China Aviation Industry Corporation Chengdu Aircraft Research Institute authoritative sources: Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group own principles Xiaolong fighter Xiaolong be differentiated according to the global market outlook and our military.

On the basis of the original Xiaolong fighters on the successful production of a new independent, multi-purpose stealth type YFC-1E single twin vertical tails “Fierce Dragon” fighter.

According to international and domestic market demand for independent research and development of advanced stealth light utility YFC-1E “Fierce Dragon” fighter. Able to adapt to the 21st century combat environment features, fully able to meet the PLA fourth generation of new aviation weapons and equipment level with development needs.

Stealth model YFC-1E three Xiaolong fighter view
YFC-1E Xiaolong fighter Main data:
wingspan of 9.18 meters
Captain 15.16 meters
4.65 meters tall machine
main Tread 2.71 meters
before the main track width 5.12 m
normal takeoff weight of 10,000 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight 13,800 kg
capacity 3800 kg plug
2500 liters of fuel inside the machine
maximum maximum Mach M1.72
maximum service ceiling of 17,500 meters
takeoff distance 435 m
landing roll distance of 680 meters
2500 km range
limit overload 8G

China aviation industry Corporation I developed with independent intellectual property rights YFC-1E “Fierce dragon” stealth aircraft full state in its 05 01.03.04 prototype based on the new design has been optimized aerodynamic, structures and systems, the use of advanced “mussels “inlet and dual vertical tail and other innovative technologies, and application of a number of new integrated manufacturing technology, fitted with the most advanced domestic highly integrated avionics and weapons systems, the world’s leading cockpit configuration has good man-machine interface integrated display equipment, stealth-type “Fierce dragon” fighter’s overall performance and overall combat capability has increased significantly.

In contrast before the successful first flight of the “Fierce Dragon” aircraft .04 .03 01 aircraft belong to the state of the platform “stealth upgrade version”, focuses on the development of the airframe, mainly used to support the test, to ensure flight safety purposes stateful 05 “Fierce dragon” fighter can achieve practical delivery, can be called “super stealth full version.” Dynasty network

Shocked!  People's Liberation Army will be equipped with stealth version YFC-1E "Fierce Dragon" fighter!


DF-21D Medium-range ballistic missile

The original DF-21 ballistic missile is dated back to the 1980s. Its latest variant, the DF-21D was first unveiled in 2012. It evolved from the DF-21C. Externally these missiles and their launchers are very similar. Chinese sources claim that the DF-21D is an anti-ship ballistic missile. Furthermore that it is the first dedicated anti-ship ballistic missile in the world and the DF-21D is intended to engage large surface ships, such as US Navy’s aircraft carriers and their battle groups. It is claimed that this missiles reached initial operational capability in 2012.

The DF-21D is a solid-fuel ballistic missile. It has a range of over 2 000 km. Some sources claim that its maximum range is up to 3 000 km. It can reach targets in the Yellow Sea, Taiwan Straight and South China Sea.

Chinese sources report, that the DF-21D has a conventional warhead. However most likely that this ballistic missile carries a nuclear warhead, or even multiple nuclear warheads. It should be capable of attacking not only ships, but cities and military bases as well.


   It is claimed that this missile has inertial guidance, possibly combined with indigenous BeiDou satellite navigation. It is also claims that during the terminal phase it uses active radar guidance. This missile should be accurate. It is likely that it has a CEP of less than 30 meters.


What Can China’s Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles Really Do?: Here

Mobile launcher of the DF-21D is based on Wanshan WS2600 special wheeled chassis. Vehicle has 10×8 configuration. It is fitted with a central tyre inflation system, that improves mobility over various types of terrain, such as mud, and and snow. Vehicle has some degree of cross-country mobility. However normally it is intended to be used on hard surface roads.

   Recently another new ballistic missile surfaced in China. The DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile is based on a DF-21, but has increased range. It has a range of around 3 000 to 4 000 km. It was first publicly revealed in 2015, however in 2013 this ballistic missile was already in operational

DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile – The DF-26 was first publicly revealed in 2015. It appears to be in operational service for several years. This missile is in service with Second Artillery Corps, that are de facto strategic missile forces of the Chinese army.     The DF-26 is a two-stage solid-fuel missile. Its estimated range is around 3 000 – 4 000 km. Other sources suggest that its maximum range is in excess of 5 000 km. It is believed that the DF-26 can carry payload of 1 200 to 1 800 kg. This missile is fitted with a nuclear warhead.  It is likely that this missile has internal navigation system with indigenous Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system. It should have an accuracy of less than 100 m. Possibly less than 10 m. (



The Dong Feng 21D, or DF-21D, is a medium ranged, road mobile, ballistic missile developed by the People’s Republic of China. A variant of the DF-21A, the DF-21D was deemed operational in 2012 and is the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) intended to attack ships at sea.[i] Reaching speeds up to Mach 10 during the terminal phase, the DF-21D is the fastest MRBM to date and can surpass existing U.S. missile defense systems such as the sea-based AEGIS ballistic missile defense (BMD) system.[ii] In 2013, the DF-21D was tested against targets equivalent to U.S. surface ships which proved to be successful.[iii] By using both inertial and radar guidance systems, the ASBM increases speed upon reentering Earth’s atmosphere to avoid missile defense structures and ensure a direct hit on moving sea-based targets.[iv] A variant of the DF-21D is currently in production with intentions of increasing its range and payload.


China/U.S. Designation DF-21D/CSS-5/ASBM
Missile Variants DF-21A/DF-21B/DF-21C
Mobility and Role Road mobile/Medium Range Ballistic Missile
Designer/Producer People’s Republic of China
Range 2,000km
Warhead Type and Weight Conventional or Nuclear/600kg
MIRV and Yield No MIRV capability/200-300kt
Guidance System/Accuracy Inertial/terminal radar/20m CEP
Stages/Propellant Multistage/Solid
IOC/Retirement 2012/Still in service
Status/Number of Units Operational/80 missiles;80 launchers “est”
